Looking to create positive community impact?

 Earning the Allied Certified distinction signals that you are committed to the IDEA (inclusivity, diversity, equity, and allyship) of connected and inclusive communities. With the Allied Certified distinction, you become an Edtrinsic member, unlocking exclusive resources, educational tools, and peer-to-peer networking opportunities.


Don't delay, start your path to certification today.

Become Allied Certified

Why Allied Certified?

Why Allied Certified is for Individuals

When individuals become Allied Certified they have the credentials that let current or future employers know that they value the inclusivity, diversity, equity, and allyship of connected communities. They also know the benefits of being openminded, curious, and intentional listeners while working to gain new perspectives and expanding their circle to include a diverse group of individuals.

Why Allied Certified is for Sole Proprietors

Sole proprietors (or any single-member business) benefit both as an individual and as a small business when they become Allied Certified.

When individuals become Allied Certified they have the credentials that let their current or future employers know that they value the inclusivity, diversity, equity, and allyship of connected communities. They also know the benefits of being openminded, curious, and intentional listeners while working to gain new perspectives and expanding their circle to include a diverse group of individuals.

When small businesses become Allied Certified they have the credentials that let their employees and consumers know that the businessand its team members value the IDEA (inclusivity, diversity, equity, and allyship) of connected communities and has taken action to be an active part of the community.

Why Allied Certified is for Small Businesses

When small businesses become Allied Certified they have the credentials that let their employees and consumers know that the business and its team members value the IDEA (inclusivity, diversity, equity, and allyship) of connected communities and has taken action to be an active part of the community.

Get Allied Certified

Allied Certified businesses are known to socially aware consumers through the Shop Diverse® directory. Using the directory, these consumers are empowered by the choice to choose certified businesses. Together we can build connected, inclusive, diverse, equitable, and allied communities.

Shop Diverse directory website home page image

Ready. Set. Certify!

a woman wearing glasses, holding a coffee cup, and looking at her laptop


Start learning today with Edtrinsic, the pioneering developer of the Allied Certified standards and the governor of the Shop Diverse® directory.

The Edtrinsic LLC round logo featuring a circle containing a tree with green leaves on a white background with a black border.

Allied Certified

Allied Certified is a distinction earned by individuals and small businesses who meet Edtrinsic's IDEAL (inclusivity, diversity, equity, allyship, and leadership) standards.

The Allied Certified logo. A white circle with a green border featuring a a green strip at the top and bottom, three stars centered within the top green stripe and the words Allied Certified centered between the green stripes.

Shop Diverse®

Shop Diverse® is an online business directory of Allied Certified small businesses which empowers discerning consumers to select these businesses over their competitors.

The Shop Diverse logo. A while circle with green border and a green semi-circle on top containing three white stars; the words Allied Certified in black centered in the circle; and a green semi-circle on the bottom.


Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Why is Allied Certified for Individuals?

    When individuals become Allied Certified they have the credentials that let current or future employers know that they value the inclusivity, diversity, equity, and allyship of connected communities. They also know the benefits of being openminded, curious, and intentional listeners while working to gain new perspectives and expanding their circle to include a diverse group of individuals.

  • Why is Allied Certified for Sole Proprietors?

    Sole proprietors benefit as both an individual and as a small business when they become Allied Certified.

    When individuals become Allied Certified they have the credentials that let their current or future employers know that they value the inclusivity, diversity, equity, and allyship of connected communities. They also know the benefits of being openminded, curious, and intentional listeners while working to gain new perspectives and expanding their circle to include a diverse group of individuals.

    When small businesses become Allied Certified they have the credentials that let their current or future employers and consumers know that the business values the IDEA (inclusivity, diversity, equity, and allyship) of connected communities and has taken action to be an active part of the community.

  • Why is Allied Certified for Small Businesses?

    When small businesses become Allied Certified they have the credentials that let their current or future employers and consumers know that the business values the IDEA (inclusivity, diversity, equity, and allyship) of connected communities and has taken action to be an active part of the community.

  • Who can become Allied Certified?

    The Allied Certified program is an earned distinction which can be earned by individuals, sole proprietors, and by small businesses.

    Although the Allied Certified distinction and subsequent Shop Diverse listing is designed for small businesses, corporations seeking to become Allied Certified can instead obtain an Allied Certified Sponsor badge when they choose to sponsor training licenses that enable individuals to become certified, even if the individuals are their own employees.

  • What is Allied Certified?

    Allied Certified is a distinction earned by meeting Edtrinsic's Allied Certified standards. This distinction signals an individual's or business's commitment to actively pursuing connected communities by utilizing the IDEAL (inclusivity, diversity, equity, allyship, and leadership) concepts and tools gained through the certification process.

    For individuals, the Allied Certified distinction serves as a tool that lets current and future employers know that the individuals strive to be openminded, self aware, and empathetic team players who seek to listen to understand and positively contribute to culture of inclusivity. 

    For sole proprietors and other small businesses, becoming Allied Certified signals the business's commitment to their employees, consumers, and community. Allied Certified businesses are showcased in the consumer-facing  Shop Diverse TM directory so that socially aware consumers can easily find Allied Certified businesses online or nearest them.

  • When can someone become Allied Certified?

    The Allied Certified is distinction can be earned anytime by meeting Edtrinsic's Allied Certified standards. The required curriculum can be taken at your own pace at anytime during the year. Once obtained the credential is valid for one year from the date of completion for individuals and sole proprietors. For small businesses, the credential is good for one year from the date that the credential is issued.

  • Where can I find the Allied Certified required curriculum?

    Anyone seeking to obtain Allied Certified credentialing can see and enroll in the required curriculum from Learn.Edtrinsic.com.

  • How does a person or business become Allied Certified?

    For Individuals and Sole Proprietors

    Individuals and Sole Proprietors are considered Allied certified once they have met the Allied Certified standards set forth by Edtrinsic.

    For Small Businesses

    Small businesses can apply for the Allied Certified distinction once 75% or more of its full-time team members have voluntarily completed the Allied Certified curriculum. 

    Edtrinsic will review the request and once validated the Small business will be issued the earned Allied Certified distinction, applicable for one year from the date of issuance.

    Please note: Businesses should not require individuals to become Allied Certified. Instead, we recommend that businesses provide positive incentives for team member participation and curriculum completion.

  • How do I learn more about Edtrinsic?

    Visit www.edtrinsic.com to learn more about the organization that governs the Allied Certified standards.

  • How do I learn more about the Shop Diverse® directory?

    You can learn more and register for the Shop Diverse® directory by visiting www.shopdiverse.com.

Join the Community

Run a business?

If you run a business and want to see it in the Shop Diverse directory, get started earning your Allied Certified distinction with your first course now (it's free). Why wait? The sooner you get started the sooner you and your business can be a positive change our community needs.

You do the work and we'll do the bragging.


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